Moving Well

We perform particular movements over and over and can develop habits, both good and bad. We often get so used to executing things a certain way that our bodies don’t recognize that we have developed a bad habit, and so when asked to do the same task properly, it feels foreign. Part of my job as a physiotherapist is to assess posture and movement. Countless times I have altered a person’s posture from their “happy place” into a more neutral alignment and they refuse to believe (at first) that the new position is actually correct. They have practiced the poor position for so long that it has become comfortable and their body actually seeks out the poor position even though it may be causing additional wear and tear on their body. If you combine that poor alignment or movement with something repetitive like running, then you may be destined for injury. Pain is typically what brings people to the clinic for therapy but if the injury was caused by poor movement patterns or posture (as opposed to something traumatic like a fall) then a key part of that individual’s recovery is the correction of faulty movement patterns and alignment.

During a clinical Pilates or physiotherapy session, posture and movement patterns are assessed, dysfunctions are identified and corrective movements are prescribed. The goal is to change how the person stands, sits and moves. Weekly clinical Pilates small group classes are also offered to reinforce basic alignment principles and to practice healthy movements. Side effects may include better posture, toned abdominals, improved joint mobility and less injury. Many people have the goal of increasing their activity level. Make sure you are also moving well.

The next 8 week session of clinical Pilates classes with physiotherapist and certified Pilates Instructor Kelly Whitman begins soon.

View our class schedule then contact us to register.